
Explaining one thing a week in a sketch

What is 2 Factor Authentication: a Venn diagram of three intersecting circles containing things you know, things you have and things you are. Where any 2 circles overlap, there is an opportunity for 2-factor authentication.

2 factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is a neat technique for adding extra security by requiring two different types of verification. So, rather than asking you to provide two passwords—both things you could remember or find written down—if you are asked to provide a password and a code you could only have if you had a particular device, security is greatly enhanced.

The usual factors involved include asking for two from:

  1. something you Know
  2. something you Are
  3. something you Have

Hence the convenience of photo ID where you have to provide the ID and also look like the photo. Or provide a ticket and a code, or a chip and pin…

Also see: choose passwords that make you happy, and 8 character passwords

Keep exploring

The writer's in the writing, the artist's in the art visual showing a red writer writing red words in a book, and a blue painter painting a canvas of The Wave in blue
Types of phishing: phishing, spear-phishing, whaling explained — 3 common types of phishing communications are shown from the impersonal, wide phishing net email, thrown out to a large population; to more personalised "spear-phishing", picking you off with a harpoon gun; to whaling, where scammers go after high profile targets like CEOs.
Cream tea: Cornwall vs Devon - Sketchplanations
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